Friday, October 30, 2015

Recovery Day 4

Well, here I am on Day 4 after surgery. I'm not going to lie, I feel terrible. My nose is completely blocked even though I'm taking tons of nasal decongestants. I am a champion drooler right now. And the meds are making me very nauseous. Not much I can do except drink ginger ale, keep hydrated and eat whatever I can get down my throat. I'm still very swollen, especially in my upper jaw. I would have thought that my swelling would mostly be in my lower jaw but I was totally wrong with that. The swelling goes all the way up into my upper cheekbones towards my eyes and there's not a whole lot I can do to bring the swelling down except for ice. Unfortunately, my face can only handle so much ice at one time. Everything is very tingly.

Last night was the worst night so far I think. I woke up super nauseous and felt like I was going to pass out. I took a shower this morning and it helped me feel better. I just can't wash above my neck due to some minor stitches I have on my face. I really just want to wash my hair. I hate the taste of all my medications, especially the cherry flavored tylenol. I wish I could take ibuprofen liquid instead but Dr. Keith probably won't allow me to for awhile. Bummer. Man, I really want to pick my nose right now. So gross. Hahahaha.

I'm hoping that my swelling will start to diminish tomorrow or the day after. Don says that my swelling has gone down a lot but to me it feels worse.

No photos mostly because I feel like the loch ness monster. Depending on how I feel, I may post some photos after this weekend or after my post-op appointment.

Also, to my friends who sent me flowers, you all are amazing. It totally lifted my spirits when I felt terrible. Thank you cards should be on their way to you soon! 

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