Tuesday was my final pre-op with Dr. Keith. At that appointment we went over general expectations, looked at all my xrays and photos together, and Dr Keith answered any final questions I had. The meeting went well! I had many of my questions answered which was reassuring. I will be updating the questions and answers section with the completed version of everything I had wanted to know.
When I first got there, we went over my x-rays and looked at all the photos. Apparently, there was a miscommunication between a few people and myself. I was originally told that my lower jaw would be moved in a way that would diminish my chin. However, that is not the case anymore! After going through my photos, it became very obvious to the surgeon and his staff that I would require advancement of both the upper and lower jaws. I thought my lower jaw would be pushed back but the x-rays show that neither jaws really advanced forward like they should have. It's not apparent when you look at me face on but my profile is kinda funky. My jaw and chin almost taper away into my neck. I'm hoping that I'll be able to grab copies of the images cause it's hard to visualize properly without photos. When they told me I'd pretty much lose my chin (unless I opted for the genioplasty) my first thought was "but I don't really have much of a chin to lose... oh well." It was nice to hear that after this surgery, I'll actually have more of a defined chin! Yay? Better than losing it, that's for sure!
After looking through some photos, I was presented with some options on how far to advance my jaw. All 3 options would help alleviate TMJ issues, give me a proper bite and help with reducing snoring and airway issues. The reason for the choice is purely aesthetic. The options were movement of 5mm, 7mm, and 9mm. It was difficult to make a decision mostly because I hardly look at myself. I mean, I see myself in the mirror everyday but I don't stand there inspecting my features. And I have a hard time visualizing anything. Thank god my hubby came with me to the appointment. I asked for his opinion. After all, he's the one who's stuck with looking at me every day! HAHA. After talking it out and going through all the options, we decided that 7mm was the right way to go for me. 5mm was just not enough, and 9mm was a little too much. Just like Goldilocks, I went with the option that felt "just right."
Then we went into the questions portion of the meeting. I came with my list prepared (cause i'm crazy) and Dr. Keith seemed impressed. I'm the kind of person who does not like surprises. I want to be informed on everything that is going on and have some kind of awareness that certain things are happening. One thing that I was not aware of would be sleeping restrictions. I figured I would need to be propped up somewhat but only for a few days. I will need to sleep sitting up for at a minimum of 2 weeks (YIKES). My head can't go below my heart due to bleeding risks so that's why he told me no sleeping lying down. He recommended a recliner or sleeping on a couch propped up against the arm of the couch. So now we have to slightly modify our living room to make room for our recliner that has been living in another part of our house for the past 6 months.
After everything was done, I was directed to his insurance coordinator (NOT MARY, YAY). She was very nice. We went over logistics for surgery day. More good news, my surgery was bumped up from 7:30am to 9:00am. I have to be at the hospital 2 hours before for prep so now I need to be at the hospital at 7:00am. I was originally going to have to wake up at 4am and get to the hospital for 5:30am. But now I'll be able to sleep in until 5:30ish or 6. Extra sleep is always good. I'll probably wake up at 3am due to nerves but whatever!
We are down to the final days before surgery and my nerves are just making me a little frazzled. Can't wait for this to be done and to start recovering.
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