Sunday, November 8, 2015

Recovery day 13

Nothing much to say, just a few progress photos. Swelling is almost completely gone on left side, still partially swollen on right side. I am still numb on my upper lip and underneath my eyes. I've started to yawn which is super weird. I can only open my jaw so much and holding it back hurts more than if I just let it happen. Haven't sneezed yet. Another issue I've come across is that I now have acne on my chin. These annoying, painful little white heads on my chin. I guess that a lot of people experience acne after surgery which I never knew. The skin on my face is very dry so I've started using lotion to hopefully bring it back to normal. 

Attempting to smile. Still hard but getting there.

Normal frontal view with closed lips.

Close up of teeth. No Gap! Still feels very weird.

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