Today was my 2nd post op appointment. Dr Keith was indeed impressed. He couldn't get over how well I looked. I guess the majority of his patients don't heal as fast as I currently am. I may look like I'm 5-6 weeks healed but I feel like I'm 3 weeks into my recovery. I still get tired very easily which is completely normal. My body is still healing and trying to figure out what to do with its new everything. He was a little concerned about the dizzy spells I've been having. He decided that I should stay out of work another two weeks and then be on light duty for 2 weeks once I go back to work (maybe more if I feel I need it). For the next two weeks in supposed to relax, drink more water and not lift anything over 5-10lbs. Hopefully the dizziness week pass with some TLC.
He changed my elastics around so now I'm wearing them differently. You can see the difference in the photos below. I was wearing them vertical but now they are top-center to bottom-middle. Wearing them this way has made my jaw a little sore so that's probably why I'm tired so early.
He also wanted me to see Dr Klein earlier than my original appointment which is nice. Hopefully I'll get this surgical wire removed but if not, oh well. I'm interested to see what she thinks of my new bite. I have a couple of teeth that have shifted slightly so hopefully she'll address those tiny issues in the next few months. Again, nothing major but I happened to notice them. The only appointment she had available was 4 days earlier but I took it anyway. I'm going to see if I can fit in another doctor appointment that day so I'll probably need the day off. My work is flexible though so it shouldn't be a problem.
I totally forgot to ask about x-rays and if I still had to be on nasal precautions. I've sneezed and haven't had any bloody noses so I think I'm OK to blow my nose. I've been doing it very gently so I think I'll just continue normally unless it starts to hurt and bother me. I'll see if Dr Klein has access to the x-rays since I'll see her first.
I am still on soft food which is a bummer. But he told me I could enjoy thanksgiving dinner which is nice. Then I realized that thanksgiving is pretty much all soft food so it's a win-win. Stuffing, turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, squash, cranberry sauce, pretty much my diet now haha. Well, everything except the turkey.
I had fish tonight and that was a nice treat. Just pan fried haddock with garlic and lemon. Made me feel like I was eating a semi normal meal!
My face is still partially numb, no changes there. The upper stitches are also still there and those suck. Whenever I smile, they move a tiny bit and I get twinges of pain along my upper jaw. But sometimes, I can't help but smile! Smiling is awesome and shitty at the same time.
Dr Keith wants to see me back in a month so I have another appointment in December a few days after my visit with Dr Klein.
All in all, today was a good day!