Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sarpe recovery - Day 3

Nothing really to say today. Feeling a little better every day that goes by. I actually took a shower and interacted with real people (meaning not the hubby, the dog,  or immediate family) which was nice.  I went to a bridal shower for a good friend who's getting married in October. I knew I couldn't let a little swelling and bruising get in the way of me wishing her well. Plus, she couldn't believe that I had made it there only 3 days after surgery. It's cause I'm a badass, haha! Actually a lot of people were surprised that I made it. But seriously, I didn't do anything to get there. A friend drove me to the party, I sat and absorbed the sun (it was beautiful out today!) and then a friend drove me home. It was probably the best first outting that i could have gone to. Lots of sitting around, talking and a few easy going bridal shower games. I ate some mashed potatoes before the party and then almost a while pint of chocolate ice cream when I got home. Not too shabby.
I also ate a hot dog! I cut it up into really small pieces and was able to swallow it with minimal chewing. It was nice to feel like a normal human again.

I did nap though. We hung out at a friends house to watch some fifa soccer games after the shower and I napped while everyone was watching that on the big screen. I'm still not taking the narcotics (wahoo!) But I think the decongestants I'm on do a number on me. They just knock me out. I get so tired after taking them that I have to take a nap almost immediately. But other than that I feel good!

It's been practically 48 hours since taking the narcotics so I think I'll be Ok to drive myself to my post op appointment on Tuesday. It's after rush hour so I won't have to contend with traffic which is good. I don't know what he will say on Tuesday but I'm hoping that I can go back to work Thursday or Friday,  maybe do some light duty. That way I won't have to use all of my earned time. I'm sure there will be something that I can do at work that isn't too strenuous.

Any who, time to relax and watch my stash of movies. Heavy weights is up next!

Sarpe recovery day 3

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