Wednesday, June 4, 2014

New appliance installed!

Well, it's official! I've gotten my palate expander and it sucks! I'm a little sore and I'm having a hard time talking. I've been told that it takes a few days to get used to the appliance. The brackets on my two eye teeth have been bothering me the most. They stick out quite a lot and rub the inside of my lips. Thankfully, I've got lots of wax. But I am also drooling like crazy.

Eating food is so difficult now! I brush after eating ANYTHING. I even swish my mouth with mouthwash after drinking certain things (like smoothies and junk). Eating kinda sucks now which is really sad cause I love food. ;_;

Only 182 days until I can loose this appliance and eat/talk like a normal person again. (AND YES, I've started a count down!)

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