Monday, December 7, 2015

Is this week over yet?

Happy Monday! And by happy, I mean "happy that this day is over." Today wasn't bad just another tiring day. I added the 2nd elastic to my already elastic-tastic face. This 2nd elastic is a different size than my other ones. They are a bit smaller which makes it that much harder to take on and off. These elastics are such a pain because I feel like I constantly have my fingers in my mouth. I'm still supposed to do jaw exercises and have not been doing them as much as I probably should. I've only gotten around to doing the exercises 2-3 times a day instead of the 4-5 times that Dr. Keith told me to. It's just such a pain because I have to take the elastics out in order to do the PT. Ugh. I'll just have to be better about doing them after I eat and before going to bed.

Teeth are still sore but I'm chalking that up to the elastics doing their thing.  My nose has been extremely dry and wet at the same time. I can feel that it's dry (sorta) but then I notice that it's dripping, It's almost as if I have a perpetual head cold... My lips have gotten more chapped too but I think all this is due to the semi-weird weather we have going on here. 50s and 60s in Boston during December is kinda unheard of... And I work in a hospital so who knows, I could be coming down with a small head cold.

We put together our tree over the weekend. I love the holidays. I really wish I could go all out a little bit more but we definitely don't have the space for it at our current house. The tree came out pretty good though.

As promised, I finally got around to scanning my x-rays! They are pretty cool looking. I hope to ask Dr. Keith or Dr. Klein if I can have a copy of my original x-rays so that I can compare once I'm completely done.

You can see the pins on the lower jaws and the plate in the upper center

Frontal View - The pins in the bottom look like nails! Kinda funny!

Side Profile - Plate on top, pins in the bottom

Our Xmas Tree - My smile just keeps getting better! 

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