Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Countdown is on...

Hello everyone! It feels like its been so long since I last updated! However, not a whole lot has gone on dental-wise. Don and I have really been just living life and trying to hold on for the ride. BBQs, yard sales, weekends away, work, it's all just been a little crazy. Not enough time to live this crazy busy life and update the blog constantly. I did have a post that I had prepared but I completely forgot to post it and after re-reading it, it was just whiny and annoying. That was part of why I scrapped it. While I often use this blog to vent, I was just over it so that's why it was deleted.

I did get all my paperwork squared away which was definitely a relief. There was a minor hiccup with my FMLA paperwork but it was worked out. (Hint: this is what the deleted post was about) The paperwork hiccup could have turned into a huge deal if a former insurance coordinator had to deal with it (cough : Mary : cough). I'm happy to report that Viviana stepped up to the plate and took care of me. She turned the process from something I expected to be a nightmare into a piece of cake. Dr Keith has completely gotten an upgrade in my mind. He is a great surgeon and he deserves to have a great staff to compliment him.

I also set up my short term disability which was WAY easier than I initially expected. Compared to the little issues I had with my FMLA paperwork, this seemed almost too easy. The only thing left to do is that I have to call on my last day of work and the wheels will be set in motion.

Today was an exciting day. Today was my last orthodontist appointment before my surgery. Guys, my surgery is 32 days away. The surgery hasn't really seemed real to me until today. Today, I had every bracket ligature tied and I had 6 hooks added (3 on top, 3 on bottom). Dr Klein had told me that it wasn't really that bad and she was right. These surgical hooks are pretty easy compared to the dreaded palate expander. It's just something else for me to get used to. But now that I'm all set with the orthodontist, next comes the pre-op work up, physical and anesthesia meeting. And that's only a few days away!

On a fun note, Dr. Klein asked me about what I'd been up to recently and I told her that my husband and I are doing fantasy football. I told her what my team name and avatar were and she loved them.
For those that can't see, the avatar is a picture of Joan Cusack from 16 Candles. She's the one in the head gear during the movie doing random stuff like trying to drink from a water fountain or this photo, her trying to drink a beer. I thought it was fitting. I need her sweater in my life.

Since I got stuff done for the first time since early June, I finally took some photos! Well, I didn't take them, Don helped me out. But you get the idea. Enjoy!

The 3 hooks inbetween the top teeth are the most obvious however, there are 3 additional hooks on the bottom as well.

You can see how far they stick out. 

Monday is my pre-op where I will get to drop $1500.00 on my surgical work-up. Thank god for flex spend accounts. I'll still cry when I swipe my credit card. Anyway, look for another update soon!

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