Friday, March 6, 2015

Just rolling along...

Nothing much to report except that my teeth are still doing their thing and moving into the right position. :) My once large gap has diminished so much that I can no longer stick my tongue out through it while biting fully down. (Yea, I was able to do that before braces. Totally crazy, right?!)

Ok, so this picture is kinda old but this was my smile 2.5 years ago. And yes, I'm biting down completely. My teeth were totally jacked!
And this is from March 4th 2015! 
It's unbelievable how much my teeth and jaw have changed in 3 short months!  I'm so pumped to go to the orthodontist in 2 weeks. It will be nice to actually talk about the future and surgery versus being told 'not yet.' I'm ready to move on and start recovering!

It amazes me that I waited so long to get this taken care of. In fact, most of the pictures from our wedding and our honeymoon, I had a closed mouth smile. I was so self conscious of it that it really does come through in some of our pictures. And now, I don't even care that I have a mouth full of metal. My smile is larger than ever. Sometimes I kick myself for waiting as long as I did. But, the past is past and I can only move forward.

Next update will be on Friday, March 20th after my orthodontist appointment. Hopefully I hear good things and don't rage afterwards. :D

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