Monday, December 23, 2013

Happy Birthday to me!

So this is a little unrelated but I celebrated my birthday today! Happy 27th birthday to me! One thing that we do every year for my bday is to go down to Harpoon Brewery in South Boston and grab a birthday beer and pretzel. PS: Harpoon makes the best pretzels. Just as good as if you were in Germany. No seriously, they are fabulous!

With everything going on with my jaw, it was really nice to go out and celebrate and have fun.

After the beer fun, we went and grabbed sushi (my favorite). After that, we hung out with friends and generally had a good time!

I really like beer, so what better way to celebrate than at harpoon?! Too bad next year my birthday is on a Monday. But, I am still going to harpoon, no one can stop me!

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