In other news, I got a water pik from my in-laws! They had one that they didn't use anymore and it was recommended that I get one the last time I went to the dentist. It has really changed my evening dental routine for the better. What a difference! It has increased my evening flossing/brushing routine by a few extra minutes but it makes my mouth feel 20 times cleaner.
My teeth have been a little sensitive but I chalk that up to the braces doing their magic. It wasn't until earlier this week when I was brushing my teeth when I noticed how much my teeth had moved. I took some photos and it's really amazing how fast they moved. Maybe my teeth have a memory from the last time they were stuck in braces? Who knows! I still have some large spaces from the palate expander but those will hopefully close soon.
Wednesday, January 7th 2015 |
I still can't believe how much my teeth have moved. Everything is going very fast!
Last time I was at the orthodontist, I asked about the timeline since I was in that holding pattern. The orthodontist told me that it would be another year (in which I semi-freaked out btw). I was confused and disappointed since I was told a year ago that this journey would be 1 year. I was really expecting to have surgery anytime between Jan. 2015-April 2015.
Well, it's been a year, and now I'm being told it's going to be another year. It was hard not to be disappointed. I'm putting my life on hold and there are things that my husband and I want to do (namely start a family) that we can't do until I've had surgery. When I called her out on the time line, she was honest with me and said that she won't know when I can expect to have surgery until she sees how fast my teeth move. It really depends on them. She said that if they move fast, I might expect to have surgery in 6 months. If they move slow, however, she told me that I might not have surgery until the end of the 2015 or early 2016.
Now that I've seen what my teeth can do in just 4 weeks, it has really increased my spirits. My next appointment is January 28th and I'm hoping that my orthodontist will be excited at my progress. I'll be getting those dreaded spacers for the top back molars at that next appointment. Me and spacers don't really go well together so I'm not really looking forward to that appointment for that reason.
I'm going to try to get better at posting a progress picture with every new post from now on.
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