Saturday, March 29, 2014

2nd Surgery date scheduled!

I finally got a surgery date for surgery #2! Yaaay!

The big day is Thursday, June 19th, 2014 at 11:30am. Thankfully, this surgery is before noon which is great for me! Last time I had surgery, it wasn't until 2:30pm which meant I had to go without food for most of the day. It was beyond terrible. Dr. Keith came in before my surgery and asked me how I was feeling. My answer? Starving!

I'll have to be at the hospital 2 hours before my start time which means that I'll arrive at the hospital by 9:30am to get set up. Way better than last time. :) I also spoke with the insurance coordinator for my oral surgeon and she said that most people are out for 7-10 days. But that if I wanted to go back after a week, Dr. Keith could write a note saying that I can only do "lite duty." She said that if it still hurts to talk, he can even write me a note saying limited phone answering or something like that. I don't think it'll come to that, but it's nice that he's willing to do that. She said that he would make the final decision on when I can go back to work at my post-op appointment.

My boss was very supportive and was ok with the date since she hasn't done up the next schedule yet. I'm just happy that it's set and out of the way. Now I can book other appointments and get things rolling.

The only bad thing is that the surgery is the day before the Wakefield Walk for Relay that I had planned to participate in. A bunch of my friends are walking and I'm wicked bummed out because I don't think I'll be up to walking the day after my surgery. I'm going to see if my hubby will walk in my place. And maybe I'll bring my spirit and my lawn chair and just hang out. I'll bring my drugs, it'll be all good! haha!
And then there's a cancer walk in Salem the Sunday after my surgery. I just can't catch a break! Such a bummer.

But at least it's happening and now I can move forward!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014



Ugh! I'm so irritated! I have been waiting for a little over a month now for the insurance coordinator to call me and schedule my 2nd surgery. It's really difficult to make any future plans and I can't move forward with any more orthodontic work until we know the date of the surgery.

Well, she called me today and I missed her call! And when I tried to call her back, she gave me the number to call her back at a different office (which I know she isn't in that office on Wednesdays). And I'm pretty sure she got confirmation that my insurance company will cover the surgery and was calling to schedule my surgery! UGH!!!! I don't want to wait anymore!!!!!!!! ;_; 

I just want this stupid thing scheduled so I can move on with my life and get things planned!


On a lighter note, I'm pretty sure that my bottom teeth are completely straight! Hopefully, I won't need another wire to tighten them again cause they look pretty good to me!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Good News, Bad News, and Even Better News

The Good News: I went to the orthodontist today and was told that I will not be getting my top braces on until after my SARPE procedure. This is GREAT news because top braces can be pretty uncomfortable. My orthodontist said that my teeth won't be able to move until after the SARPE procedure so why make me uncomfortable in the meantime? I say hell yes!

The Bad News: Since my surgery is looking to be sometime in May/June, the spacers I had put in 2 weeks ago had to be taken out. It's bad for my gums to have them in for longer than a few weeks. They will have to go in two weeks before my palate expander gets installed. These spacers totally suck. To go through them twice just really blows.

The Better News: Because of the spacers and my SARPE surgery, this has pushed my time line back a little bit for everything. After the SARPE surgery, my jaw needs approx. 6 months to heal before having another procedure. So I won't be able to have my surgery until December/January at the earliest. This is GREAT news because I was worried about job security if I had to have my surgery earlier than January. That is one less thing I have to worry about. 

PS: A friend introduced me to boloco today after my ortho appointment and I can't believe I've never been before! I might have found a new food love. :D